From funny to frustrating to all out embarrassing, I'll share what happens behind-the-scenes in non-traditonal cancer treatments.
Marianne initially wrote:

To say we hit it off is an understatement. I've gained a best friend who I talk with daily, travel to see as often as possible, and love more than I can express.
On Jun 15, 2021, Jeanie's physician notified her that the lump they biopsied was cancerous. She has Non-Hodgins Lymphoma.
That began a whirlwind of medical appointments: Oncology, PET scan, bone marrow biopsy, blood draws, urinalysis, etc.
Because she's eliminated synthetic meds over the years, we quickly learned her body can’t even tolerate simple over-the-counter medications, let alone traditional chemotherapy. A routine bone marrow biopsy landed her in the ER.
Thankfully, after countless hours of searching for alternative therapies, we found a clinic that fits the bill! Their treatments include specialized approaches to chemo & integrative medical protocols. It’s Jeanie’s best bet for recovery. In a few short weeks, she'll leave to begin the fight of her life.
While we're thrilled to find a place that offers the treatments she immediately needs, we need help. Because insurance does not cover the cost, she and her husband have taken out a loan against their home, but it’s not enough.
We are seeking donations in any amount to help Jeanie with her fight. Your donations will immediately be used to cover:
-Medical expenses for the facility, An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, AZ
-Housing, food & supplements during her 6 week stay
-Transportation to and from the clinic
-Follow-up treatments and care
In the five years I’ve known her, Jeanie has selflessly poured her time and talents into her community, and now it's our time to band together and help her. We graciously thank you in advance for any amount you're able to donate, and for spreading the word to reach everyone you can.